Election & Civic Products

Customized Voter Guides

Voters want to know who and what is on their ballot so they can make informed choices.

Customized Candidate Questionnaires

Customized surveys and questionnaires for candidates at the federal, state, and local level.

50 State Legislative Tracking

Powerful, easy-to-use bill tracking system across any and all states

Custom Election Calendars

We can build a calendar to suit your needs.

Custom Research and Analysis

EDS is without peer in providing context on the nation’s political, policy and legal landscape.

50 State Policy Tracking and Analysis

Powerful, easy-to-use policy tracking system across any and all states

Lawsuit Tracking and Analysis

Covering legal issues at all levels—from the Supreme Court to the county courthouse.

State and Local Ballot Initiative Tracking and Analysis

Tracking and reporting on ballot initiatives at the state and local level.

Find out what Election Data Solutions can do for you.